Tuesday, November 17, 2015

More Cat Videos

Well this is about to get real annoying real fast isn't it? Here are more videos of Khaleesi jumping in slow motion.

In this video, watch the way she falls down sideways, so cute!

In this one, watch the way she catches the rubber band on her claw, so cute!

In this one, watch the way she swipes with both paws crossing in front of her, so cute!

And just so I can say that I talked about something other than my cat, I led the international discussion group last night, and we had a great talk on the recent events in the world, as well as studying abroad, global dexterity and international exchange. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get discussion, but it was a really great group with a lot to say!


  1. hahah.. good to hear you're getting the Global Dexterity topic underway! :-)
