Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Goodbye Thanksgiving

Well I think it's finally happening, this is the last year of Thanksgiving. By next year, the Christmas ruckus will officially have overtaken it all, and Thanksgiving will cease to exist.

You know how each year the Christmas stuff comes out sooner and sooner? I mean it's done, it's officially done. This year I saw Christmas stuff out WITH Halloween stuff, and there are no Thanksgiving decorations or anything that I'm aware of, nothing I've seen promoting Thanksgiving, and here is the real kicker: on Sunday night, I went out running, and I happened to pass by an apartment with open blinds and do you know what was inside? A Christmas tree, FULLY DECORATED, and STOCKINGS UP and CHRISTMAS EVERYWHERE. This was on Sunday, November 15. November 15! Halfway through November! I even know people who are already taking their kids to see Santa Claus!

I happen to know that in London at least (maybe the rest of the UK?) a place that doesn't have Thanksgiving, even they wait until December 1 to kick of Christmas festivities!

I feel like Elaine in that episode of Seinfeld where everyone starts eating all their desserts with utensils... cutting their Snickers bars and cookies with a knife and fork and scooping M&Ms with spoons, and Elaine is looking around her freaked out and shouting "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL YOU PEOPLE?!" That's me.

I really liked you Thanksgiving, but somehow you've been vilified like a red-headed step-child orphan in a Dickens novel.

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