Now before I go and ruin all the fun by letting you know if this was a slumber party for 28 year olds, or a slumber party that has lasted for 28 years, I have to start at the beginning!
My Uncle Bob and Roomie Pamo-san have October 21st birthdays, and both decided to celebrate them on October 18 of this year, so I had a doubly-fun weekend between the two.
The first half of the Saturday was spent at Aunt Frances' celebrating the 70-year-old (well, tomorrow) with family from everywhere! I even had my sidekick Parker there helping me to steal avocados.
Birfday Boy |
Aunt Judee and Uncle Carl... with an Uncle Carl in his hand?? |
Whatevs |
Cousins and Grammy |
Spooky. And why is Tammy without a prop?
It was a nice get together and I was a little sad at having to leave early! Especially with Cheryll yelling at the football game on TV with absolutely no rhyme or reason.
Now since Pam is all lawyer now, she's apparently too busy even to think about her birthday, so she decided to throw something together last minute, and what she put together was a Slumber Party for her 28th Birthday. Now if you think that that sounds lame, the joke is on you because it was a-maz-ing.
First of all, Doug's parents hosted it at their house, it was Pam, Doug, Raf, Rob, Pearo, Priya, Kunal, Fern, Sruti, Dan, me, and even Colleen and Justin made it with their 1 1/2 year old Kylie. I was a little late and missed the pool party fun (better off from what I hear given how cold the water was), but there were 4 gigantic pizzas, cupcakes, an entire array of snacks, a liquor store's worth of liquor, beer and wine, and the best people you can find in San Diego.
It was exactly like the slumber parties of yore, only better. Shots, junk food and snacks in our pajamas, Cards Against Humanity, birthday cake, and then going outside near the pool and downing the cases of Coor's light for Survivor Flip Cup (awful) that had me puking up the fizz in one of Debbie's plants.
When we were starting to prepare for night-night time, we claimed couches and loveseats, re-arranged the living room, set up air mattress and blankets, and I fell asleep around this point (although I felt Pearo cover me up with a blanket) and woke up to everyone crowding around me and trying to freak me out by saying we needed to evacuate... because apparently they had gotten into a good game of Truth or Dare and Rob said that they all needed to wake me up "in a panic". Well the waking up part worked and I was so glad that it did because I got to join in on the best game of truth or dare ever, especially because no one shied away from any dare and everyone was such a good sport.
Colleen, Justin and Kylie had taken the spare room, but Colleen had lent us Kylie's Tranquil Turtle, so this was all done with watery soft music in the background and a light display on the ceiling. It was everything you expect from a slumber party... and more!
Pam and Colleen (who share birthdays) lighting their cake |
Everyone waiting to sing to the birthday girls |
In the morning there was coffee and fruit and croissants and muffins (mufins... muftensteins...) and Kunal made frittatas and we sat outside by the pool and relived the previous night and talked about ebola, and conspiracy theories, and Lena Dunham.
Morning clean-up (not as fun) |
Slowly we dispersed, but by the afternoon I found myself on the San Diego bay cruise with Pam, Doug, Jack and Debbie. This was awesome, and beautiful, and while waiting in line, I regaled them with tales of my motion sickness and all the times I threw up (Roller coaster at Magic Mountain! Driving in Santa Barbara with Alyse! Snorkeling off Key West! On the boat to Catalina Island!) and Pam lamented that we hadn't brought one of Debbie's plants with us for me to throw up into again.
The day was perfect and the cruise was lovely... bloody Mary's and chocolate donuts lovely!
Pamosan |
Helicopters |
Seals! |
Under the Coronado Bridge |
That happened, and was not planned |
And this happened |
And I made Pam take it again |
After a few bloody Mary's the selfies come out |
A bootleg picture of our picture! |
After this we went back to Pam and Doug's to sit on the balcony. But then this happened.
Me and Jack are dunzo |
And when I woke up, Pam had a bowl of lentils for me, since I needed to start making my way back to Riverside, and they sent me off with pizza and Corn Nuts and Diet Coke (half courtesy the slumber party) for the trek home.
And now it's Monday and I don't wanna!
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