Friday, October 3, 2014

Bubble Wrap

I have two bosses at my work, and I unabashedly look up to both of them tremendously as they are patient, knowledgeable, and always helpful. They are the type of supervisors who are really trying to help you succeed, and not just hounding you to get work done.

The director in particular is a showcase of TCOB (takin' care of business) and a people-person: friendly, collaborative, and someone who is great to work with. She is very attuned to encouraging and promoting staff collaboration, encouragement and wellness. She seems to know the lines of both gettin' 'er done, and healthy playfulness.

Take for instance... today. She came around and distributed bubble wrap for us to pop, as a stress reliever and for fun.

This is also the boss who gave me that black and white cookie. It's very hard to dislike your job when you love who you work for!

Now if you'll excuse me, that bubble wrap isn't going to pop itself.

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