Thursday, October 30, 2014

Let's All Fangirl Together

Last week, someone put a gun to my head and said "IF YOU DON'T PRE-ORDER TAYLOR SWIFT'S NEW ALBUM 1989, I WILL SHOOT YOU DEAD" so I HAD to pre-order the album so that I could live to see the next day.

Well it came in yesterday (yes, it was released on Monday, but I got photo prints and a code to enter to meet Taylor Swift so the joke is on YOU) and I'm in loveeeee again! And for the record: I really, really wish I didn't like her. I wish it were easy to write her off as immature or basic or annoying, and sometimes she really is annoying, but I can't help but love her music.

Wednesdays are my free days so I had chores to catch up on, so I put the album in and started washing dishes and cleaning Khaleesi's 3 litter boxes (what kind of a world do I live in where my cat has 3 choices of location, texture, privacy and surroundings to go to the bathroom in and I have 1?? Oh yeah, I'm living in this world:)

...and the problem with Taylor Swift's songs is that they are all so catchy immediately! As soon as one song is over you already want to listen to it again! So can you believe I was taking my time cleaning litter boxes and wishing there was more to do so I could still listen to the music productively? She passed the litter box test. (I just made that up).

Okay, back to work... with the album playing. I love having (good) new music!


  1. This is the music that will represent our entire generation.

    1. ...a thought that is one part exciting and two parts terrifying.
