Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Alphabet

I was subbing for some art classes and was getting bored. Why not join in? It made the day go by faster, plus I really do like art and working with my hands, so I was really enjoying it.

The student's assignment was to draw the alphabet with something that began with that letter, and I upped the ante by doing mine in French.

I didn't get to finish but was really into it, so I brought it home to finish it up. My French alphabet (and drawings) were...

A - Arbre de noël (Christmas tree)
B - Baguettes (Baguettes!)
C - Chaton (Kitten)
D - Damier (Checkerboard)
E - Electricité (Self-explanatory)
F - Fleur (Flower)
G - Gâteau (Cake)
H - Herbe (Grass)
I - Imperméable (Raincoat)
J - Jouet (Toy)
K - Kilomètre (Kilometer)
L - Légumes (Vegetables)
M - Musique (Duh)
N - Neige (Snow)
O - Oeuf (Egg)
P - Parapluie (Umbrella)
Q - Quiche (Exactly what you think)
R - Raclette (A cheese fondue contraption)
S - Serpent (Snake)
T - Tapis (Rug)
U - Usine (Factory)
V - Vin (Wine)
W - Wagon (Stack, pile)
X - Xylophone (Same in English)
Y - Yaourt (Yogurt)
Z - Zebré (Striped)

As Pam reminded me... my art, is the prettiest art, of all the art.

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