Thursday, March 6, 2014

Khaleesi Means Queen

My little Khaleesi can be a wild card. For instance, did you know that she can do parkour?? When I try to get her to come upstairs with me, she does this thing where she gets lows and waits, then when I am about halfway up the stairs, she pounces and tries to beat me to the top. Our stairs have a landing, and then another stair to the side. On the landing is a little kitty house, a one-story, carpeted little hideaway. The other night when I was getting her to come upstairs with me, she again waited until I had made significant headway, then broke out full speed up the stairs herself, this time leaping from a stair to the kitty house on the landing, and using that to immediately propel herself off and turn a sharp 90 degrees to the second floor. It was parkour!

Again recently, she did something that made both me and Shannon speechless.

While Khaleesi was still a conehead due to her getting fixed, I went out and got her a pretty pink collar with a personalized name tag engraved with "Khaleesi Del Taco" on one side, and my name and number on the other. My great plan was to adorn her with the collar once the cone was taken off, which I did. I figured she wouldn't resist the collar after the cone, and maybe that's what it became.

It comes off a lot while she's chasing Vinny around and roughhousing with him up and down the stairs and skidding across kitchen tile. When I came across it once, I approached Khaleesi on the chair and put it back on. Shannon was watching and remarked that Khaleesi was remarkably calm about the process, and she had never seen a cat take a collar so well, no resisting at all. I hadn't really thought of it before, but it was true.

So the other day, I came home and noticed Khaleesi had lost her collar again. I asked Shannon if she knew where it was (she didn't) and I asked Khaleesi where her collar was before pulling out my Game of Thrones book, way too lazy to go upstairs and hunt for it just yet. Khaleesi, however, disappeared upstairs, and came back down immediately after. She jumped up on the couch, and deposited her collar on my lap. Shannon and I both freaked out. How did she know exactly where it was, and why else would she bring it straight to me other than she wanted it back on! 

She always seems so proud and content when I put the collar on. I think she sees it as her crown or royal wear. Neither Zug Zug nor Vinny wear anything, so she must know it sets her apart in her royalty. 

After all, Khaleesi Del Taco literally means Queen of the Taco.

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