Monday, February 24, 2014

National Margarita Day

I was invited to a baby shower of my old coworker Antonella in San Diego on Saturday, and after not having seen her for years, I was very happy to be able to go! And of course, any excuse to be in San Diego for the weekend is fine by me.

I went down on Saturday morning and the baby shower was adorableeeee. It was jungle themed and everything was so precious, I even had a name tag with a little tiger on the side, the food was all labeled jungle things (like Swamp Water Sweet Tea) and it looked straight out of Pinterest. I got to see a few other coworkers I hadn't seen in awhile, and even made a new friend Carla who was super nice and cracking me up. I also was winning all the games to the point where I had to stop announcing my score. because I couldn't be that girl who won AGAIN. But to be fair, why would you play Celebrity Baby Name games with all these older women? Of course I'm going to win! Antonella was my rat friend and she took care of Mr Rat after I left San Diego for New York, so there were lots of rat gifts and I got socks with little rats on them and a soap dish. I love winning things!

After the baby shower it was down to the Gaslamp Quarter for fun and frivolity with Pam and Doug, no Priya since she was up in the Bay Area for her sister's birthday. Pam had told me that her and Doug's plan was just to watch the SDSU game that evening, so I was expecting a quiet-ish night in, but why would that ever be the case? As soon as she met me at the building entrance she told me that I was going to need to take 2 shots of whiskey to catch up to them, so that was the first order of business.

So we only hung out for a little bit before they announced we had to go out to the bars for National Margarita Day. Doug's parents met us too, as did Kunal, because apparently Doug's father's life revolves around margaritas and the countdown to celebrating National Margarita Day, so we all got getup in SDSU Aztec gear and headed out for celebrations.

Time was going by in a daze for me. I had had some white wine sangria at the baby shower, showed up to 3 shots of whiskey and a Coors light, then the margaritas. At some point we ended up back Pam's condo watching SDSU with Chinese takeout and more Coors light. At some point in time, Doug's parents and Kunal had left, and Doug was in a bad mood because SDSU had lost, so Pam suggested to cheer him up that we should play Power Hour. This is when you take a shot of beer every minute for an hour. We actually started doing this! ...and then when we realized it was useless because we were falling so far behind, we just made up a drinking game to The Office, and that was going well except we kept pausing it to talk... so then we decided to do Power Hour again, this time while playing Mario Wii (and dying every 2 seconds) and the next thing I knew I was waking up in Priya's room with my Game of Thrones book on my chest and my beer next to me and my glasses askew. What a good night!

I also found this picture on my phone from Power Hour, I think...?

We woke up and spent 2 minutes getting ready to head out in time to eat at the Boudin Bakery and then meet Doug's mom at the theatre for American Hustle. Spoiler alert: None of us were very impressed, and Jennifer Lawrence was horribly miscast and we can't believe she is nominated for that role. But I do like Amy Adams a lot more now!

We went back, watched the SNL episode with Jonah Hill hosting, then played more Mario Wii (we did better this time!) until we went to pick up Priya from the airport and I had to hit the road shortly thereafter.

I suppose I need to start devoting some time to studying for the last upcoming French test, but it's been hard to get motivated and besides, it was National Margarita Day! What else could you expect?

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