Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Another Day Another Dollar

Today I subbed for a friend of mine. When I got to the classroom he had put the daily agenda on the board, which looked like this:

1. Review homework 20.1
2. Lecture notes 20.2
3. Ask Ms Kelley about the DeMint wedding
4. Find other work to work on

So that came up in every class. I almost forgot about the DeMint wedding where I stole the bride's thunder by accidentally fainting on stage as a bridesmaid right in the middle of the ceremony, but that's what good friends are for... reminding you and telling the whole world about it too.

I spent 6th period subbing for the soccer coach, who was out at a CIF soccer game, so I had maybe seven JV boys there. I checked them in, let them take off, and I laid out on the band platform in the middle of the field and read my Game of Thrones (Book 3: Storm of Swords!) to a background noise of cleats on asphalt, baseballs smacking leather gloves, surfacing shouts of "heads up!", pool splashes, basketballs bouncing off rims, and the shrieks, gossip and laughter of the school's athletes in the afternoon. It was quite nice.

Then I hear an "excuse me" and I lift my glasses and see another sub heading my way. I recognized him from the morning, about my age, checked in the same time as me and I noticed we passed each other in the hall later too. When he saw it was me up on the platform he apologized, saying he thought I was one of his students escaped, and I said it was okay, but he was still staring at me. He said I looked familiar. I couldn't say the same, so I didn't know what to say. He asked if I went to Cal Baptist University, but I didn't. Then he asked if I went to Arlington High and I had an enthusiastic "yes!" He said he graduated 2004 and I said I did too... he said that's where he knew me from and he knew my first and last name. He told me he even played baseball, and it seemed somewhat familiar, but we were consistently baseball state champions, so our players were mini celebrities (from whence came professional players Jojo Reyes and Lucas Duda!) but I still didn't really recognize him. I felt bad, but he was very friendly and we got to talk for awhile and hey, new friend on the circuit.

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