Friday, February 7, 2014

It's The Dream

I always love being at my alma mater. I always loved my time there, loved being a lion, and love going back. I love the memories and I love knowing the school inside and out, love knowing the staff, so it's always a goal to get jobs here. I also always love doing French classes, because language classes are generally tame, they love speaking French, and I love helping them with French. So doing the French class at my alma mater... that's the dream! And it's what I got to do today.

The French teacher that I had, as far as I know, had been there since the school opened in the early 70s, and my graduating class was her last year (sadface!) so the first time I was back at Arlington, I went and introduced myself to her and said I would love it if she would keep me in mind if she ever needed a sub. She said that she was rarely out, but took my information... and the gamble paid off! She called me yesterday and we were able to set it up for today.

My God if these walls could talk. I had to take a picture and send it to my friends from the class (we all went from French 1 to French 4 together and became a very close knit group, way too comfortable for our good, cause a lot of damage and ruckus in that room!) and that mural painted on the back has been blinded into my mind, and that small blue and white cupboard has been there since my days too. The room used to be arranged as a huge U around the perimeter and then groups and circular tables in the middle, and I sat at the top right corner and would always have to go straight past that cupboard, and always bang my legs against it.

The classes were great today. I would jokingly scold them for not speaking any French so one boy raised his hand and said "Excusez-moi. Vous etes tres mignon" (Excuse me, you are very cute) and I was half a mind to scold him and tell him that was inappropriate, but the other half was proud that he knew some French and used it, so I all I did was correct him. "Mignonne, monsieur. Mignonne pour des femmes" (Cute, sir. Cute [with an 'ne'] for women).

There was also a pep rally assembly I had to take them to which was hilarious to me, but cute to watch, and when they were cheering for their classes and years and the senior, class of '14 shouted it out as "1-4" I realized it had been ten years since I was up there shouting "0-4!" eek.

It was a good Friday.

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