Thursday, December 12, 2019

Paint Party

Yesterday was my immediate work department's holiday party.I wasn't looking forward to it all that much, mainly because I have so much work to do and didn't want to be out of the office for so long, but it ended up being really fun and a nice break!

We had lunch at a Cuban restaurant that was pretty bomb-diggity. Making a mental note to go back there at some point soon!

A few of us went wandering around to kill some time (hello Urban Outfitters!) before going to our main event at a wine and paint place. It was my first time doing one, but the best part was the White Elephant that we played beforehand. My contribution was a cat-shaped ice cube tray of cat-shaped ice cubes and a coffee mug that said WORLDS OKAYEST EMPLOYEE. By the time I got to pick, I stole a bottle of gin - I couldn't believe my good luck - I have been downing gin like no tomorrow with my dirty martini craze. I lived the rest of the game in fear that someone would steal it but I got to keep it. So, this'll last me a good two days.

The painting was fun, but the instructor went way too fast and I feel like she didn't thoroughly explain what things were meant to be as we went through the different elements so I really hated my picture. But, it whetted my appetite to paint again. I like painting, just for the hell of it, but the problem is that when I'm done, I don't know what to do with these things. I mean, I can't just throw them away, but I also don't want to hang them. And our garage is pretty full sooo... derp?

When I got home, I noticed my painting didn't look half bad so far away... so maybe I'm really a Monet...

Khaleesi got curious with the garland decoration and went walking up on the railing. I thought she would live up there after we created her cat wall but surprisingly, not so much.

That was my yesterday. Tonight AJ and I will be working on assembling the new desk we bought. This will pretty much complete our office, which I'm so excited about (only OVER A YEAR since we've moved in!) I'll post pictures maybe.

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