Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Puzzle

I love puzzles so much I got two of them for Christmas! One with a jungle theme featuring a lot of jungle cats, and another that's a beautiful Thomas Kinkade rendition of Mulan that is just breathtakingly beautiful. But I've been working on this puzzle since last weekend; it's one of my favorite BlackOutTime tradition (Black Out being these last weeks of December when no one knows what day it is or what's going on) and I love to see the progress too. Kathleen maybe laid down a piece or two but otherwise I did it all myself and it was hard!

Yep, that's Love Actually!

And then of course, the last piece is always the sweetest!

And this was just during a time I was watching Broad City and working on the puzzle, Khaleesi was also enjoying the show too!

In other news, AJ and I really had a hashtag blessed Christmas. We celebrated with his family on Christmas Eve. It was pretty perfect, the house was beautiful and we had a fire going and a great cheese plate and a really nice fancy steak dinner, and even Anana got her own bone.

We opened family presents and it was so much! AJ and I got cash, and Disney gift cards, and these beautiful monogrammed coasters from Anthropologie (I get more obsessed with that store on a daily basis). I got this fabulous mirror I want to put in the entryway, although it was shipped broken so we have to replace that, and linen dinner napkins from Anthropologie.

AJ and I did our own Christmas the next morning, over our traditional Christmas cinnamon rolls and I made us lattes (and we polished them off with some draught beer and Fireball), and opened our presents for each other. AJ did so much this year, I felt very humbled. I got my two puzzles (aww yeah), and he got me a Kate Spade ring dish and a pair of Kate Spade earrings, and then a long-coveted Atlas collection necklace from Tiffany's. I didn't even know that he remembered that I loved that collection.

It was a lovely Christmas Day by the fire doing not much of anything at all. I'm wondering how long I need to keep this puzzle in tact before I can destroy it and put it back in the box...

PS That tornado warning last night?? AJ woke me up to tell me about it. It didn't seem that weird, I feel like we occasionally get weird things like that but still... global warming!

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