Monday, July 20, 2015

Le Weekend

Oh my, what an eventful weekend.

It started on Friday. I had to get to work at 6am to run a webinar for incoming students. Apparently we've done our research and the most amicable time worldwide for this is 6:30a our time. Could be worse I guess, but still pretty bad. Because of that, I got to leave work early, so I went to the gym, and then to the "normal" grocery store (aka not Trader Joe's) to get ingredients for three (yes three!) different recipes I was trying out. I don't cook, so this was a big deal. I'm domesticating myself. Turns out grocery stores are very entertaining though because people all walk around on their phones and decide to have the most sacred conversations out in open so I got to just eavesdrop on drama as I wove in and out of the aisles.

That night was spaghetti squash, which wasn't so much of a recipe as it was just learning how to cook a spaghetti squash, but it was successful (thanks Marisa!) and I can now kinda eat spaghetti again in a weird way.

I was starting to work on recipe number 2, which was a chickpea-based dessert recipe, but the mashing of the chickpeas really wore me out. I do not have a food processor (and as I later learned, a LOT of kitchenware needed) but I figured the Ancient Egyptians still ate without a KitchenAid, so I would find a way to make this work. I boiled the chickpeas (twice!) to get them as soft as possible then tried mashing them as much as I could. It was tiring, but I made good progress and ended up saving it for the next morning and went to bed because it was Friday and I'm an old lady now.

In the morning I went to the gym (and would be so proud of myself, I would tell AJ "I went to the gym today! That was even MORE than my workout says... well, more than the bare minimum") and came home to finish trying to make that dessert. Since I am resourceful, I just used to blender to mash the rest of the chickpeas and gosh darnit if that didn't work.

I was still working on the dessert when AJ arrived, who looked really worried at my lumpy concoction and me food processing it with two spoons and my own muscles. In the end, it wasn't as smooth as it probably "should" have been, but it was actually really good!

These chocolate chip "blondies" are marketed as gluten free, grain free, high in fiber, clean, natural, and higher in protein... which for the most part I don't care about, and even though there wasn't any flour or sugar in the recipe, it did take a lot of peanut butter and honey, so I don't know what that means. At any rate, they turned out edible and even AJ liked them!

That night we went to Viva Pomona, a music festival at/around the Glasshouse that my coworker got us into. My other coworkers were there as well, and despite the gross humidity, it was really fun! We didn't know any of the bands, but we had drinks so it all worked out.

On Sunday I made my third recipe, which AJ refused to have. It was a Kayla Itsines recipe (the girl whose 12 week workout I am doing, and btw week 12 starts today!!) that were supposed to be zucchini muffins but it's basically just eggs and zucchini and mine turned out like a zucchini flan. So I told AJ to let me in on his eggs and bacon and sausage breakfast. (Edit: I tried my zucchini flan for a mid-morning snack and it was actually very flavorful and good!)

We went to the mall, partly to get out of the humidity, and partly because I had things to return, and partly because I wanted new running shoes. We hit up tons of sales, ran into my 6th grade teacher/mentor and his family, and went to TGIFridays for drinks and appetizers (their seared Ahi chips were AMAZING and only like 300 calories) and then came home in the rain.

Back at my place, AJ pulled out the sweater he bought from H&M on sale. He got it on the guys sale rack and he showed it to me and we both just thought it was nice. Kinda preppy, but a nice looking sweater. Of course guys never need to try anything on. So back at my place we were sorting out our stuff and I hear "what the heck are these?" and he's pulling out small satin loops from the inside of the sweater. "Those are to hang it on the hanger so you don't stretch out the neck, you've never seen those? They put those on girl clothes," as I was saying it we both looked at each other and he immediately started making excuses "It was on the guys rack! And it's a large!" so he put it on and it was definitely a large... for girls. It was stretched to breaking across his chest and the sleeves barely made it to his forearms and I was cackling like a maniac and trying to get my phone to take a picture before he ripped it off but I was too late and he wouldn't put it back on.

We both took French in high school, it didn't seem too girlie!
So in the end, I got a new sweater that day!

After he left, I got to cuddle with my little kitty who is scared of AJ and stays away while he is around. Ruh roh!

And now it's Monday and I'm tired and on week 12 of this workout and feel too tired to make it through this week!

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