Saturday, November 23, 2013

It Feels Like A Perfect Night

Yesterday I got to spend the day chauffeuring Kathleen around for her big 22nd birthday. I didn't mind though, since I'm still excited to take Richard Richard, my new car baby, out for a spin at any opportunity. We slept in and were up with enough time to go by Starbucks for a birthday coffee round and then meet my mom for lunch at a sushi restaurant. We did a lot of snapchatting around the table.

After that we came back and watched Friends and had some hula hooping session, then getting ready to hit up a family tradition at Medieval Times for her birthday, and wouldn't you know it, our knight finally won.

A few Long Island iced teas and amaretto sours later, we were back home and then I joined Kathleen and her friends out in downtown Riverside for some birthday drinks. The original plan was to go to the Menagerie on University, which I was all for, only because Kathleen introduced me to the idea of calling it the Nicki Minajerie, and I just wanted to be able to do that, but we ended up at Pixel's with the Coachella DJ's (who refused to play Taylor Swift's "22" in her honor), and then good ol' faithful Worthington's on University & Orange for more drinks, pool, and dancing until we closed the place down.

Aaaaaand, see you next year, girl. Just a little over a week til Shannon's bday now!

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