Wednesday, June 24, 2020

It's a Girl!

Color me very surprised - I really thought it was a boy this whole time!

Because AJ hasn't been allowed in to appointments, for his Father's Day present I booked us an ultrasound at a boutique place here in Irvine so that he could experience seeing the baby in utero and make sure that we were able to find out the gender together.

It was a really great experience and the ultrasound tech was great. It was really fun to be able to interact with the baby that long and find out the gender together. I booked an appointment that included a DVD which seemed a little excessive at the time, but I have really loved having it and being able to rewatch it. She even recorded and labeled when she had AJ push down on my stomach and we could see it push her little head down and react to her dad's touch. They added some lullaby music to it too which was a cute touch and makes it very emotional to watch!

 That evening, I started looking at baby stuff online and I just fell in love with this little llama from Anthropologie that felt so perfect for my little girl - and it's insanely soft too!

We had the gender ultrasound on June 12, and my anatomy scan ultrasound with my doctor wasn't for another 11 days on the 23rd, and I wasn't sure how long we were going to be able to keep the gender secret and not let it slip somehow, so we arranged a gender reveal zoom meeting for last Saturday, June 20 to announce to our immediate families. I told everyone to wear the color they thought the baby would be (blue for boy, pink for girl #genderstereotypesiknow) so everyone wearing blue was WRONG and owes the baby college fund money!

Our reenactment lulz
Zoom wasn't exactly the best method for recording the video, since the big screen changes based on who's talking, so you have to look for our little square, but still fun to capture the moment!

From Kathleen's perspective

From my mom's perspective

Since we had the gender ultrasound at the end of 17 weeks, we were pretty darn positive the girl result was very accurate, but I was looking forward to the reassurance at my anatomy scan ultrasound to confirm.

I had that appointment yesterday and it was very relaxing! The room was dimmed with a salt lamp and essential oil diffuser, the ultrasound gel was warm, and I just laid on the table while the tech did her thing for about 20 minutes. After she was done, she turned the screen to me and let me see the baby and hear the heartbeat. It was fun, she was kinda crouched on all fours looking towards my back so we never got a good profile shot, but we got some cute ones of her with her hand on her face and seeing her fingers and her foot and face. I scored so many pictures out of that appointment! I think I got like 10 or something. And she did confirm it was a girl!

So then we decided to take better pictures of the gender reveal, so Kathleen came over and what a fail LOL. First of all, these confetti cannons were also supposed to have streamers in them, but either way, the puff went into the air... and was taking straight away LOL.

We tried to take a better picture with leftover
confetti from the family reveal (no, we haven't
bothered cleaning it up yet LOL) and my clump
just fell right down so that was another fail. We
were pretty over it after that - ha!

It was funny and it doesn't really matter so who cares. Made for a great picture sequence, and we even have a slow motion video of the experience.

We are five months in... it's starting to get real! And no, no clue what we'll be naming her just yet.

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