Monday, October 3, 2022

Starting Spooky Season in San Diego

I'm not a big Halloween person, at all really, but I suppose it does herald in the start of holiday season, so I can appreciate that. And we did absolutely nothing Halloween-related, so I don't know why I'm mentioning this, other than the fact that Pam and Charlie were festive in their outfits starting on Saturday. But to get to the point...

AJ had his yearly golf tournament with his friends in San Diego this year so I tagged along to spend time with the usual suspects. We met Friday night at Panama 66 in Balboa Park which was perfect for the kids to be able to run around. When we got food, my God Sophie mowed down like all 3 of our meals. Sheesh! It was the only chance we had to see Rob & Rafael that weekend so I'm glad we were able to squeeze that in.

We got to the Airbnb first and Sophie had so much fun running around and exploring the house. It was also on a main street and she loved standing at the window and watching the cars drive by. Sophie and I went to bed early and we were up and about the next morning and went to North Park and got some coffee and acai bowls before going to the Old Barn Trolley Park for a little while and then met up with Pam, Doug, James and Sheye at the San Diego Zoo. 

It was warm but it was a great time (the San Diego Zoo really is up there in terms of great zoos, my only complaint is the hills, but we survived) and Sophie even napped for just about an hour in the stroller - that's never happened before! She loved the elephants and even more so the giraffes. She wanted to stare at them forever (so did I) and she spent a lot of time saying "more giraffes!" even after we left their area.

If I'm doing the math correctly, this was her 7th zoo? (1. Santa Ana 2. Santa Barbara 3. Palm Springs 4. Honolulu 5. Los Angeles 6. Nashville) We're on a roll!

I made sure to get a La Posta burrito on the way home and Sophie and I had a nice evening in the house to ourselves before she went down and the guys got home.

Sunday morning they had a late tee time at Torrey Pines so we hung out with them all and it was pretty fun actually. We even had a Lithuanian speaker teaching her the names of some of the animals in her "heritage" tongue lol. They took off, Sophie and I got ready (and did laundry - this girl had a blow out that went through her pj's onto the blanket!) and then went to Pam & Doug's to hang out with them (Sophie was so excited to "play with Charlie!") before heading down to Petco Park for the Padres/White Sox game.

We got to hang out in their super awesome Barkyard box and we hung in there until about 1:30p when Sophie was crashing and we decided to hit the road. I tried to take her into the Team Store to get her some swag, but, in true covid-baby fashion, she absolutely hated the idea of going inside and just wanted to be "outside! outside! outside!" and it was pretty crowded so I just cut our losses.

Sophie napped in the car and woke up just as we were turning into our driveway. Our kitchen was pretty empty so I decided we'd walk to the corner to get some Mexican food and eat outside, but I caught wind of Indian food that smelled so irresistible in that moment that I called an audible and got us some tikka masala and chana masala instead. Sophie loved it and couldn't say "more" fast enough or ask for enough "sauce" and after the morning blowout she had had, I wondered if I was going to regret feeding her Indian food but hey, I love that she loves these different cuisines so whatever. We took a pre-emptive bath that night before I put her to bed.

I don't really have any fall or Halloween decorations but I enjoy everyone else's. Once it cools off, the goodness starts!

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