Friday, July 1, 2016

Four Year Circle

This week has felt like a throwback. I'm back on my Bruce Springsteen kick, which takes me back to 2012 when I went through that huge revitalization phase. I know it's like, THE Boss song, but Dancing in the Dark will probably always be one of my all time favorite songs. It's just so inspiring!

But, there's more... 2012 was also the year that I read Harry Potter, and AJ has been re-reading them and I've been watching the movies with him (following our trip to Hogwarts) AND I was also taking springboard diving lessons, and doing a lot of acrobatics dry land classes for it.

Well, my yoga BFF Marisa was happy to report that she was expecting (due in October) and hasn't been able to go to yoga. I fell out of it, because it's kinda far, wasn't incredibly convenient with my schedule, and it wasn't the same without Marisa! I still go occasionally, but not nearly as regularly as before. So, because I'm not getting any younger, I went all out: I signed up for private gymnastics lessons at the gym right around the corner from me. Yes, you read that right. Gymnastics. That was always my dream but I can't talk about it because it hurts too much.

ANYWAYSSSSS... yesterday was the first one! I have half hour private lessons once a week. I might actually sign up for the group lessons (more frequent and less expensive - even if it is with 10 year olds) but I wanted some privates to kick things off and get back into it, and see how it goes.

Well, it was fascinating. I have (shockingly) not lost much of my strength or flexibility. We started small on the mats with front and side cartwheels, and round offs. When that went really well, he tested my backbends to see what kind of back arch I still had. He deemed it good enough to start spotting me on back handsprings.

So, we're working with back handsprings, and I'm finding myself so dizzy that I need to stop and move onto something else. Not even so dizzy as much as ughhhhhhhhhhh, do not feel good from the upsidedownness.

So we spend the rest of the half hour working on handstand presses and conditioning, which was fine by me, it was essentially a personal trainer, my own free Kayla Itsines! It was great, and I was happy.

When I am driving out of the parking lot, the dizziness and nausea is mounting, despite being done being upside down. It comes up fast, and I have to slam on my brakes, open my car door, and spend a solid five minutes puking. Like full on heaves of my leftover Mexican food I had for lunch. The worst part was that I coughed somewhere in there and got a diced onion stuck in my nasal cavity and had to do a sinus wash when I got home.

All from a couple of back handsprings.

So, on the one hand I feel fresh and young, working tumbling and all... and on the other hand I officially feel very, very old.

Looking forward to next Thursday though!

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