Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Original #Brexit

Yesterday we celebrated the original #Brexit! (I said that all weekend long and it still hasn't worn on me yet - I think it's hilarious) but the weekend itself had mixed reviews.

Allow me to explain...

First of all, Saturday was the big Germany/Italy match. I left my house to head to AJ's in time for the end. I'm still sporting the water bottle I got when I was a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding, so I sent her a picture of that

and then I showed up to AJ's to see a glorious surprise... he's trimmed his beard!! Yahoo!

Anyways, the Germany/Italy ending was INTENSE. I LITERALLY jumped out of the chair whooping and hollering when Germany made their winning PK. AJ and I celebrated with sushi, then we went to our friend's place, where we were housesitting.

The garage door code wasn't working, we tried hopping the fence and all the shenanigans led us to was having to drive all the way back to where we came from to get a garage door opener from the parents. It was a low-key night and we went to bed.

Sunday was the big France/Iceland match. Originally we wanted to go somewhere to watch it, but we were moving slow, we had Anana, and our friends had to do wedding planning, so we ended up staying in. It was DEVASTATING by the way. I couldn't continue to watch but for some reason we watched the whole thing, and watched Iceland essentially get crushed to France, and were in a bad mood.

We decided to go to the beach and thought it was be okay since it was still only Sunday the 3rd, and packed up and drove to Newport and Huntington, only to literally drive around for literally an hour and a half and not only never find parking - but never even see anyone else ever find parking. It was the worst situation I had ever seen. We went back to AJ's house and went in the pool with Anana. We thought we would go to the batting cages with friends, but I was in such a bad mood from wasting an entire day that I had to take a nap to erase the day, and woke up late. AJ cooked dinner for us and it was too late to do anything else.

At least Monday was the 4th of July holiday, and that was pretty redeeming! AJ and I had lots of patriotic gear, and went to a friends place with a pool. We had ping pong and beers and music and the pool and created games using ping pong balls in the water, and then went to another friend's house to BBQ and light off fireworks. It was pretty low-key, but fun, and very 4th-y. The crazy thing was being in Huntington Beach, where fireworks were legal, and seeing them go off ALL AROUND US. It was quite beautiful, actually. Driving back we were seeing the fireworks go off everywhere in a 360 view, and a lot of people were even pulled over the shoulder of the freeway to watch.

Now it's Tuesday - already a day down this week!

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