Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

I forgot Memorial Day weekend was a thing and that it was coming up. This whole year, all I could think about was the Europe trip and never saw much past that. Add onto that the fact that we have Canada next month and AJ and I were too tired (and too broke!) to really do anything at all this weekend.

So, Saturday AJ golfed with his friends and I got to hang with the Banana and take her to the dog park. There were soooo many dogs there, but she generally doesn't play much haha, this was some of the most action I got out of her.

On Sunday, we decided to drive up to the mountains to do some off roading trails that included a lot of great little mini hikes. It was nice because it was so gray and overcast that day, but up in the mountains we got above the clouds and had a great warm sunny day.

Then we made it to my moms for BBQ and Game of Thrones (yeshhhh!) and Monday was just hanging around, not doing much, then a trip to Home Depot for me to get a bunch of crafting supplies (including gold spray paint - I plan to spray paint my entire apartment a layer of gold ha!) and then Dairy Queen ice cream mmmmmm!

I don't want the weekend to be over! But I AM looking forward to June...

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