Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Summertime is Here

It's finally summertime, now that it's July. Without work or school breaks, I have to rely on the weather to tell me what season it is, and it's been June gloomy all June, but it's finally decided to start being summer over here.

It was so warm we went to our pool last weekend which was kinda sorta Summer's first time. She visited the pool at the hotel in New Orleans often, but we didn't have her little floaty, so we just held her in the water. Boy howdy did she love her little floaty. At first she was mesmerized by the pool of water in her little seat area, but it didn't take long after that for her to just lay back and enjoy her life. 

Meanwhile, Sophie wanted to be pulled and twirled and held and taken to the deep end. That seems to be the way with these two - Sophie's high energy and Summer's chill. What's amazing is how Summer tolerates it. At first I figured she was just too young to really understand it all and just had no choice but to accept the whirlwind around her. And maybe that's true. But even as she gets bigger and more independent and mobile and able and aware, she still tolerates Sophie's high energy, very tight hugs, crazy surprises and constant redirections quite well. 

I hope it bodes well for their future and friendship!

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