Tuesday, June 18, 2024

North Carolina Friends

We had the honor to spend last weekend with Jayna, Annika and Stephen, showing Annika around California for the first time. I made the mistake of telling Sophie about it in advance, and she became obsessed with counting down to the 15th, then expecting them here as soon as she woke up on the 15th, and wanted to track their airplane on the way to and from dance class that morning.

They finally arrived and Annika and Sophie were amazingly thick and thieves despite the 2+ year age difference between them. Sophie showed Annika her room and all her toys and then we went to Huntington Beach for the afternoon and evening, where we got Sophie and Annika matching shirts and all went to dinner together.

We had a PACKED Fathers Day on Sunday, starting with Sophie being so excited to give AJ all his handcrafted goods - from the construction paper tie and painted handprinted she and Summer made for him in daycare, to the Cookie Monster card with googly eyes that she picked out, and then Jayna, Stephen and Annika were over by 8:30a for us to all carpool over to Strawberry Farms golf course for breakfast at the clubhouse. The guys went for a round of golf after that, while me and Jayna took Sophie and Annika to the very fancy high tea at the Hello Kitty Cafe.

I had done evening drinks in the Bow Room years ago, but the daytime tea was quite a fun experience, despite being on edge and ridden with anxiety the entire time that Sophie would drop or break any of the number of ceramic and porcelain ware that we were served.

We let the girls run around for awhile in the grass after that, with Sophie trying to copy Annika's cartwheels, and then we went on the Great Wheel for what was all of our first times.

We were exhausted by the evening and even though the girls did a pretty good job of entertaining themselves, after dinner with AJ's dad, we couldn't make the House of the Dragon premier happen together and we said goodbye with Sophie sobbing because she didn't want Annika to leave.

They continue their trip up to LA proper and we're hoping to see them again before they leave, but everything can be tenuous so it's still a bit up in the air. It was a great time seeing them nonetheless, and hopefully they'll be the ones showing us around their neck of the woods next year.

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