Friday, July 5, 2024

Summer's First Fourth (+ Baking Blueberry Pie)

We had a nice 4th yesterday! We kept up our usual tradition of going to the Thompson's since their neighborhood is great and also (most) fireworks are legal. 

We started in the pool and with Summer in her trusty little loungey chair, she became absolutely enamored with some diving ring pool toy and was content the entire time to just hold it, eat it, put it up to her face. Sophie had a great time swimming around with Bryce and Jaxon, and I had a great time sittervising with my white wine while AJ was in the pool with them.

Once Ara and Nadine came over, it was really on, because Bryce and Penelope are great little friends, and Sophie and Scarlett just love each other so much and it was so sweet to watch them just do 3 year old things together - like show each other the leaves they found, find it hilarious to push a doll on a skateboard, and hold hands and jump around while the fireworks were going off.

I even got a delicious nap in with Summer upstairs which tided me over for the long evening.

We had sausages and different dipping sauces, tabbouli salad, fresh berries, cheese and cracker spreads, and I brought a homemade blueberry pie.

I probably should've consulted my own lessons in baking before attempting my blueberry pie again yesterday, because I wasn't too thrilled with it and I think it's the same things annoying me. None of the recipes that I ever come across call for mashing the blueberries in any capacity, and yet without doing that, they just... roll right out like beads when you cut it and then you're just eating blueberries and pie crust side by side. No one seemed to mind (I don't rule out the fact that they were probably just being nice) but it's something I plan to experiment with for next time.

Also - the latticing! It is so much harder than it looks (don't stare at mine too much or it will break your brain) and I did find that a big cause of that is my dough being a little too flimsy but... another way I'm learning I'm suppose.

Summer was mostly mesmerized by the fireworks at first, but they started to get louder and as night fell, the street was turning into an absolute warzone, and Summer, Sophie and Scarlett were all over them, so we went into the house and they watched Gabby's Dollhouse while AJ and I loaded up.

They both pretty much fell asleep immediately in the car, which was such a shame, because driving home was a beautiful display of fireworks everywhere, practically 360 while we drove home, seeing them go off from every which way was so pretty (and also, distracting). I'm surprised they were able to even fall asleep at home because the crackling and low rumblings of fireworks was a constant sound as we went to sleep.

Daycare is closed today which means extra long weekend for these kids!

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