Monday, July 15, 2024

Desert Camping Trip

Blame my mother who thought camping at Lake Perris in July would be a good idea. I wasn't quite keen on it to begin with because, once I partook of glamping, I haven't been able to look back. And Lake Perris is usually pretty dusty and dry and we knew July was going to be hot. But, we still were able to make it happen for one night, with AJ agreeing to actually camp overnight with Sophie while I took Summer back home after spending the day there.

Sophie was so excited about camping once we told her it was happening and was counting down the days. She was almost too excited to go to her dance class that morning but I told her we have to go to dance first before we can go camping and she was able to suppress her excitement just long enough. We drove out right after her dance class and both girls got a nap, even though they didn't overlap for too long. And when we got there, maybe around 12:30... IT. WAS. HOT!!! We met Gangy and Grandpa Jim and Auntie KitKat and Luca and Enzo at the marina but even just there I was breathing in an oven and we had to go back to the campsite where we immediately set up the kiddie pool for the kids (although Luca apparently thought he was too big for it??)

I was so miserable, it was just confirming everything I don't like about camping- at least in a dry, dusty hot place! I want to camp somewhere lush and foresty! I was ready to call the audible and go hang out at my mom's house nearby for the air conditioning, but the heat peaked and we lounged and survived.

AJ didn't get there until later afternoon and missed the worst of it. He embraced the role of cook (as usual) and along with my mom, got us a great dinner of steaks and corn on the cob and grilled carrots and green onions. I left later than I wanted to, but I refused to leave before I got a mini s'more (or two or three or four) and Sophie got full use of her flashlight and the great idea of my mom to have the kids wear glow stick bracelets and anklets.

Summer and I then had a long drive home which I was surprisingly awake for, and with no traffic at all whatsoever, it was faster than I anticipated. According to AJ, Sophie just loved sleeping in the tent and couldn't even fall asleep because she was just up talking about it. In the morning, AJ texted me "Sophie wanted me to tell you that she spent the night in a tent" LOL

It was nice to have the morning "off" just needing to deal with Summer until AJ and Sophie got home. What is my life that I feel relaxed and off the hook when I "just" have to take care of an eleven-month-old??

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