Tuesday, May 5, 2020

This Is How We Entertain Ourselves

AJ and I have been playing a lot of Cock and Bull lately. I was on a real hot streak and AJ was too pissy to let me take a picture of my winning boards, so these were the closest that I got lololol. By the way, I'm ALWAYS black in Cock and Bull!

This is our kiddie pool out the window that I bought when it started getting so damn hot and the community pool is still closed. I took this picture because I saw Khaleesi on the ledge and she was in hunting mode but I couldn't see what the hell she was looking at... but on further investigation, I saw a cute little bird chirping and walking along the top wall. I guess the mystery of why I don't get any birds in my bird feeder (the hanging pink heart you can just make out between the two red circles) has been solved!

On one of our lunchtime walks with Nannerz, I saw a bluebird. It's always so nice to see birds that aren't sparrows, pigeons or crows. And I love to quote Marian from Robin Hood Men in Tights: Oh Brumhilda look! A heppay little bluebird!

And look at the second picture I caught of it in flight. I mean it's no National Geographic cover but I still thought it was a little neat.

And I FaceTime'd with Priya and we enjoyed sending pictures, while I was in the middle of yoga so it was ~*So CuTe*~

On Sunday night, AJ and I watched The Departed. I had never seen it, even though it had long been on my list. (By the way, are you guys aware it was a remake of a movie from Hong Kong called Internal Affairs?) It was really good (obviiii) I mean how could it not be with a star studded cast around every corner? Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Martin Sheen and Alec Baldwin? My one complaint was that Brad Pitt wasn't in it LOL. I could've seen him being a pretty good Mr. French. We started talking in Boston accents that night and passing around memes, which mind you are about 14 years old now...!

I remember when I first saw this meme, the caption was
"Me and my boyfriend waiting for the other to say 'I Love You'
first" LOL

I really really really hate this pandemic, but with all the spoilt children stomping their feet and just being bored and things opening back up, maybe this second wave will be bigger and happen sooner and my life can go back to normal sooner than it would have otherwise.

Happy Taco Tuesday Cinco de Mayo?

Smell y'all later!

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