Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine Videos

Happy Easter Monday (that's a thing, so says iPhone). We had a nice Easter. It was really fun, even if it wasn't Easter-centric. We made chicken and waffles with a sick 90s R&B playlist going, then did dishes together. We busted open our Cadbury mini eggs (which ended up being dark chocolate - I almost cried. I didn't realize that. I hate dark chocolate. Assumed it was Cadbury milk chocolate).

In the evening we Zoomed with AJ's family, which was really fun. We're actually spread between California, Tennessee and Washington state, so I don't remember the last time we were all together in the same place.

And anyways, as you've probably seen, we made some videos with Anana, but I'll put all the uncut videos up here because what the hell else are any of us doing?

Kathleen sent me a video because apparently there's some challenge going around about giving your dog an egg. The theory is that dogs are aware how fragile eggs are and will handle them as such, both in their mouth and when they set it down or I don't know, play with it or something. So we tried that with Anana.

As you can see, it was a complete fail. She chomped onto it right away and then dropped it on the floor. It's not the best video to watch all that but take my word for it.

Then of course, the whole treat challenge. Anana never figured it out but it didn't stop us from trying!

I wanna try it with Khaleesi some how cause I saw this great video of a girl doing it with her cat, and the cat chose the wrong cup and when the girl lifted it and there was no treat in there, the cat attacked her LOL. But, I'm not sure I could get Khaleesi to sit still next to me and pay attention that long.

Well, I guess that's it for now. The quarantine isn't that weird anymore, but the monotony and repetition still sucks, despite all of our best efforts. Sigh.

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