Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy New Month!

Yes, March 2020 was longggg and miserable. Even though April is shaping up to the be virtually the same, at least we're in a bit more of a routine at this point and have a lot more of the reality ahead of us (instead of literally every fact and directive being double-downed on within 24 hours).

I also really hate April Fool's Day and was glad there was a worldwide moratorium on it since "this whole year has been a joke". Actually, AJ showed me a video of three girls dressed and ready for school outside, when the dad calls out to them to ask them what day it was, and they slowly realize they'd been pranked for April Fool's Day and run in screaming that they hate their dad and their dad just says "GOTEM!" Despite my incredulous laughing I actually thought that was borderline traumatizing and cruel with all this! But that was the only poisson d'avril that I saw.

Like you, all is the same for us over here. One day at a time. I work in the living room, AJ works in the office. Some mornings I do morning yoga. At noon I take Anana for a walk. In the evening I go on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes. Some nights I do some Just Dance routines. I play other games on the Switch. I watch TV. I actually have a long list of shows that I cycle through. We did just watch Tiger King, but otherwise I'm pretty content with The Office, Arrested Development, Portlandia, Broad City, This Is Us, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 30 Rock, Fleabag, Flirty Dancing, Game of Thrones... it helps mix it up. Since Friends is off of streaming services (wahhhh!) I'm currently watching it on TV as though I'm Amish. I have to say the worst part about it isn't even the commercials - it's that it's the cut versions and not the extended ones you're used to seeing from your DVDs back in 2007, so a lot of jokes get cut off! #rude

I think the biggest variable in my day are my meals. Since we're not doing anything, our grocery budget definitely increased, but at least we get a lot of options for our meals and snacks.

Today I tried to work outside, but it was a bit of a fail. At that time of day, even the shade of the umbrella didn't do much to detract the sun, I was seeing more of my reflection than anything else in the screen, and my sunglasses would make the screen completely black. Still, outside with Mozart on was a nice break. It was just a few minutes ago though, that I'm here working on the living room and something caught my eye in the backyard. Anana is in here with me, and it didn't move like Khaleesi, I thought maybe it was a rabbit. I saw some form of leg, and I moved to look around the doghouse and it was a friggin road runner!! How does that even happen?? I guess wildlife really is returning to normal! LOL. I texted AJ and then tried to go outside to get a better look, but it was long gone (no coyote to follow though, thank goodness). Still, that'll be the biggest event today I'm sure and how I'll remember it and distinguish it from any other day this week LOL.

I'm glad that I already got into my bread-making craze a few months ago and already have all the ingredients, because apparently everyone is getting into it and now you can't find flour or yeast anywhere!

Well, it's noon so time for the dog walking. Hope you are all staying safe and well!

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