Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter 2019

After having to spend a few years away, AJ and I made sure to set aside Easter this year to make it back down to San Diego for the Gale's epic Easter celebrations. Debbie's ability to go all out and best herself every year is truly amazing.

Unfortunately, AJ has yet to make it to one still since he fell very sick this past weekend. I've been avoiding him like the plague and hopping myself up on vitamins and essential oils and every old wives advice I can think of, and still not sure yet if I've avoided it or if I'm just biding my time until it hits me. At any rate, I had to leave him home on Sunday while I went down.

It was, as usual, a beautiful time! We had endless appetizers akimbo, our Easter egg hunt (that Debbie wouldn't let us start until Alexa played Peter Rabbit hahaha- and I won 3 lottery scratchers! Zero dollars but the fun of the scratchers was priceless), we all talked Game of Thrones theories, and then our delectable, beautiful meal!

This was my place setting. I should have
taken more pictures of everything.
Debbie even handmade a chocolate raspberry cheesecake complete with Peeps toppers, and a bunny-shaped carrot cake! (So on theme). My parting gift, in addition to my coffee, was a huge jar of Easter chocolate. How does she do it?!

The drive home sucked, especially doing it solo, and it was even more frustrating since I wanted to get home to watch Game of Thrones and not fall asleep! But I made it. And we watched it. Mrah.

My real accomplishment this Easter was when I suddenly got into Snapchat's Easter egg hunt and within 2 days collected 80 eggs and ended up in the top 5% of collectors! Yes, I was excited about this.

Otherwise, Taylor Swift drops a new album on Friday and I'm looking forward to that. I also need to exercise, and sleep.

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