Tuesday, October 11, 2016


What a difference a helping hand makes! I've lived alone for a long time which meant that apartment cleaning days were awfullllll made worse by the fact that the places I lived in were always "charming" read: old-school cute and downright dirty. But what a freaking blessing it is to have another set of hands around with AJ. This past weekend, after some delish KBBQ with my coworkers on Friday night, and after an early morning Saturday workout, AJ had no objections to setting aside the rest of Saturday morning for cleaning the apartment, something we hadn't done since our housewarming party and was long overdue.

AJ was so great, I was falling in love all over again. He needed some directives, so I would give him a job, he would do it, and come ask me what was next, haha, but not a single complaint or sarcastic comment, just ready and willing to go and do. Here was him hand-scrubbing the kitchen floor. Heart-bubbles came out of my head!

So I ended up getting really sick over the weekend, and it hit hard on Sunday. It was tragic, because I really need the weekend to recover from the workweek, but instead I slept on the couch with my throat burning. However, imagine my soo-preese when I woke up on Sunday to a text from AJ asking if I'd looked at the Pick 'Ems for this week yet. As a reminder - I won week3 (for the first time ever!) and then AJ won week 4 and what do you know - I was in the lead for week 5!! It would be a tie though, so I needed to get through a tiebreaker.

So yesterday, our friend came over to watch the game, and since he was on daddy duty, he brought his 4 1/2 month baby with him. In a rare move I had never seen before, AJ went straight to the baby, picked her up, and then went and coddle her while he sat in his armchair.

As if that weren't cute enough, Anana was OBSESSED with the baby. Like, seriously. Anytime the baby made any sort of noise (and even when she didn't!) Anana would run over there, sniffing her and licking her feet. When I held the baby, Anana would weasle her way in (by burrowing under my arms with her snout) to get close to the baby. We had to hold Anana back while the dad was changing the baby because Anana wouldn't leave him alone! Here's a picture of Anana, who set up camp in front of them just to stare at the baby!

My theory is that Anana is sterile so she hasn't had a chance to release her own maternal instincts with a baby, and/or, she wants to raise the baby as her own in the woods! Aren't wolves known for doing that kind of thing??

And to end the suspense... guess who won week 5 pick'ems????

Yep - ME!! Say hello to another $80 woop woop! And considering AJ won week 4 and I won week 3...

We have officially de-throned #shulf to be the new #PowerCouple!

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