Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Alarm Clocks and Survival Kits

The beast that is a spoiled child has begun to rear it's ugly head. Because I obsessively love and dote on my Khaleesi Bug, that little brat has discovered that she can just meow meow and meow whenever she wants to play and I will do it. She used to be so quiet! She is now waking me up before my alarm clock, and dropping her favorite rubber band on me so I will throw it for her to fetch. It's something of a Catch 22 because I don't necessarily want to engage in that at 5 in the morning, but throwing it off of me does get her and her yapper away from me. The bright side is that I can suffer an alarm malfunction occasionally now since I have a back-up.

In other news, work is getting hectic and ca-ra-zay as we gear up for orientation, and in our staff meeting today we were surprised with some survival kits, which were so cute!

The staff and my coworkers are pretty great, and I especially enjoy our leadership, just another reason why!

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