Monday, July 21, 2014

Ygritte Wannabe

While my mother is legitimately preparing for post-apocalyptic life and survival, I decided to join in her archery training fun, if for no other reason than I want to be Ygritte from Game of Thrones, who is so clearly one of the best characters.

So on Saturday I went with her and Jim to an indoor shooting range in Riverside and started in on a bow and arrow for the first time in my life. (Sixth-grade science camp doesn't count, right??)


It was on the target and everything!!

The beginners luck didn't really keep too long, but a round or two later I did make a bullseye in the yellow (that's close enough for me) and Jim said I now had to split that one in two. Well I didn't split it, but I did make another bullseye again.

You can ignore all the other arrows around it, just focus on the two in the yellow.

There is a stand to hold your arrows, but where's the fun in that? I wanted to wear the arrow holder like a quiver, and let me tell you, the struggle to pull the arrows back and not instead turn yourself in circles leaning back trying to grab one... that struggle is real.

It was fun. Next time I'll try to run around the corner, roll on the ground and shoot from my back, cause that's the only real way to take it up a notch.

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