Thursday, June 5, 2014

Would You Rather...?

No one on God's green earth is better at Would You Rather questions than Reginald. It actually used to be topics of dinner conversations in the dining commons in college... we would sit around in Ortega and Ronnie would ask everyone the absolute craziest Would You Rather's... it didn't even become about answering the questions so much as just hearing what he would come up with next.

Ronnie surprise Gchatted me yesterday with one, and I was surprised cause we hadn't played that game in awhile, but he did not let me down. Here's how it went:

RONNIE: Would you rather be EXTREMELY beautiful, with men validating your existence every day of your life, and you're dripping with diamonds, ice, platinum, and live in a ginormous mansion that can also levitate and fly all over the world, as you also have the power of fire--BUT you're always chasing the one man who will never fully love you (BUT he love your body) OR you can live in a small cottage in a magical forest where an aurora appears every night with a man who loves you heart and soul (and vice versa) but you can only eat bread and tea everyday but as a consolation prize you have a cat that can roll backwards and sometimes it barks once a month and you also have a pen that has unlimited ink AND you KIND of have the power of water which is mostly just soap bubbles and a little bit of fog (good for cleaning the dishes) but bad for self-defense!
 RONNIE: WHAT?! really!! the other option is so much more glamorous!!!
 ME: I won't need to clean dishes if im in a cottage. we'll have no running water. and i want a cat that can roll backwards
 RONNIE: i mean that is pretty awesome. but what about the power of fire! and the unattainability of the ICEPRINCE!?
 ME: that sounds awful! i don't need the power of fire. didn't you see FROZEN. clearly the power of ice and snow is way better
 RONNIE: What about the GINORMOUS MANSION that flies you all over the world?!?!?
 ME: well i definitely would miss that. but i might just take it to the aurora cottage to see the cat that can roll backwards!
 RONNIE: omg! you're obsessed with that cat
 ME: You know I'm a cat person! JUST LIKE HOLLY GOLIGHTLY
 RONNIE: Well I guess I should have told you about how you'll also be witnessing the cat who rolls backwards and barks once a month give birth to a venus fly trap

So there you go. What would YOU rather do?!

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