Monday, June 30, 2014

Garage Sale'ing

My friend Marisa and I have been wanting to go garage sale'ing for awhile now. Every time I say that, people ask what that is. It's when... you go to garage sales. She was envious of the furniture fix-up piece I had to make into Khaleesi's litter box, and wanted to find one too, and I just like garage sales. So this Saturday we got up before dawn to get coffee and drive around and scope out garage sales in Riverside.

Well we both saw a side of Riverside that we never knew existed. Literally! We were in the craziest neighborhoods that neither of us had been to before, and were dumbfounded. When I say crazy I mean jaw-dropping properties of mansions and themed houses, and then the adorable dated charming Wood Streets-type of Riverside of tiny, unique houses with arches and ivy, and streets lined with willows that create a drapery as far as you can see. It was beautiful.

And then we passed this gem... that we HAD to get out and take a picture with. There are no words!

We both wanted that buffalo.

On Saturday evening I went to downtown with my coworker Becky and her friends. It was our first time hanging out outside of work, and she is super awesome so I was not disappointed! We went to the back patio "club" (?) of Mario's Place, called V26 and had a grand ol' time. Except of course, for this photobombing couple. We had had our strategic picture planned, so we weren't very happy about this. Hence our faces!

It took all weekend to recover from the early call time of garage sale'ing, but I'm back to my normal levels of fatigue and tiredness now... I thinkkkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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