Thursday, April 3, 2014

Khaleesi vs. Prince William

Not that Prince William... my iPhone Prince William. (I've had my one and only iPhone since February 2011, and remember 2011 was the year of the Royal Wedding, and I had Royal Wedding fever and wished I was Kate Middleton).

Khaleesi hates my phone! And who can blame her? I'll be petting her with two hands when my phone will ding and then I stop and am texting, and she watches. Or I pet her with one hand and am constantly scrolling on the screen with the other. She's fed up with it and has started attacking the phone when this happens. I'm not even kidding! She starts chewing on the rubber of the Otter Box case. The other day, I left my phone on the bed after the alarm went off and got up to get ready. When I couldn't find it exactly where I left it, I ended up finding it very far away... Khaleesi had actually been able to carry it in her mouth and drag it to a corner where she was going to town on chewing it up and attacking it. Her fiery jealousy is so adorable! So appropriate for the Mother of Dragons.

Khaleesi chases her own tail too. A lot. And will even do it while balancing on the toilet seat. I foresaw bad things coming, but you know cats have incredible balance and always land on all fours.

Also, Marisa and I tried to hike the M in the Box Springs mountains but after the first 1.4 miles of "Difficult" Two Trees trail to get to the other trailhead and seeing the M was another 3.8 miles of "Difficult" we said no thanks and my knee is still recovering even from that. Oops.

And Happy Coachella Month errbody!!

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