Monday, July 22, 2019

Baby Showers and Poker

AJ and I had a pretty gosh darn good weekend. It started with my brilliant idea to spend Friday night drinking in the spa. I was sure we were going to have to battle neighbors for space being a Friday night but nope, it was just us and a plastic carafe full of pinot noir! Amazing what qualifies as a perfect Friday night when you're in your 30s versus your 20s. Ha.

On Saturday we had goals to clean out the garage. We moved into this house with the intention of the garage being AJ's man cave, so it's a liveable space, and yet AJ has since destroyed it in the seven months we've lived here because, well, no supervision with that one is not good for cleanliness. The real motivator for AJ, however, was that we recently bought a treadmill and if I was going to be able to workout without blocking his view of the TV, we were going to have to clear it out. We had a baby shower to go to in the afternoon so I was a little pessimistic about what we could get done that morning but we got it all done! And the place is amazingly beautiful and I now have my own little treadmill space, and facing the TV too so I can be entertained as well. Ha.

The baby shower was a lot of fun! It was fiesta themed and it was taking place two blocks down from us, so we even got to make walktails and head over there leisurely. Little baby bean is due early August, and AJ won the baby bottle chugging game so we came home with some Casamigos tequila. Not bad!

You can't even tell who the pregnant one is,
I know, but she's right in the middle. You can
see the belly when she stands sideways! I had
to either stand and be two heads taller than
everyone, or sit and be one head shorter. Lulz.
I'm assuming because he was so stoked on the garage, he invited some guys over for poker. It was such a big experience because AJ won so much money, so I made him give me some. Hey house needs at least 10%.

Sunday was really leisurely, and I got to play with Khaleesi Bug a bunch. Anana scared her into the bathroom so she hung out in the shower for awhile and I couldn't coax her out.

AJ and I finished the night by ordering food and watching Talladega Nights. This week isn't crazyyyyyy but I'm looking forward to getting through it. But then I leave on Monday for a conference. I feel like I haven't traveled in over a year!

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