Wednesday, June 5, 2019

White Bread

Sort of out of nowhere, I got the uncontrollable desire for homemade bread. "Real" bread is the best thing since sliced bread (get it?) and it actually makes me angry to think of what the US passes off as "bread" in our super processed, un-nutritional society these days. (Why does everywhere else do it right?!).

So I bought a breadmaker and poor AJ asked me if I needed anything from the grocery store on exactly the wrong day and he had to run around getting all the weird ingredients for it (dry milk?) and yesterday I put it to use!

Unfortunately, after running some errands, taking Anana for a walk and working out, I didn't get to start it until about 8p, which meant that it wouldn't be finished until about midnight, so I didn't get to experience the just-made, fresh warm bread, but AJ and I had toast with it this morning and it was amazinggggg! I'm really proud of my first attempt at a "normal" loaf of white bread. I didn't get a picture, but because it's a small compact maker, even though the loaf was big, it was sort of built up, so it came out mostly looking like the bread emoji:

The maker I bought comes with lots of great recipes I can't wait to try, such as French bread, artisan bread, Ciabatta loaves and cinnamon swirl bread (Mmmm...)

Having homemade/fresh bread makes you wonder WTF they're selling to you in the stores. Also, it made the kitchen smell like France... boulangeries and patisseries on every corner give the country a beautiful scent.

Best purchase in awhile!

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