Friday, January 5, 2018

Sugar Withdrawals

My official "Sweating for the Wedding" work began on January 2, 2018 (because I was honest with myself and knew that January 1 would be total recovery day and I would need all the food and rest and everything to get over the New Year's Eve shenanigans.)

AJ and I set our goals for January, and my biggest one, which I knew was coming (and I therefore totally overcompensated for during the holidays in anticipation of giving it up) was processed sugar. It's not a total hard and fast rule, but I have an insatiable sweet tooth and eat way too much chocolate, cookies and any other form of sweets, from candy-coated sunflower seeds to yogurt-covered pretzels. It also doesn't help that at my office, people are endlessly bringing it communal treats, from donuts to cakes.

So, the rules aren't hard and fast (I still use coffee creamer, have cereal, like seed butter on rice cakes) but trust me when I say eliminating the BS sugar has a huge impact, and yesterday I was already feeling the effects of it. I was in a bad mood, lethargic, anxious and borderline depressed. I figured it was just "one of those days" although when I felt bad, my instinct was to find some sort of sugary treat, and it doesn't help that there is still tons of holiday snacks around the office, and it made me look up sugar withdrawals. Not only is it actually a thing, but all of my symptoms were aligning with it!

So, this totally sucks, even though I am powering through it and I will be better off in the end, it still sucks! But I'm glad I finally have the motivation to do this because clearly it's a problem. I also resolved to drink more water so I think that's helping too!

On with Day 4...

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