Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Turned Corner

I recently decided to change my life. It's weird, cause it was mid-week. Usually I need to mentally prepare myself for a few months and then pick a Monday. But I just decided yesterday, and today I'm 2 for 2.

I am so tired of constantly running late places! And especially to work. I live a 5-10 minute drive away, still hit the snooze constantly and am then rushing around, stressed on the drive, and still coming in 15 minutes late. It is ridiculous. Plus, it was superficially based too. Looking nice or getting ready takes time, and I had the time, but I wasn't using it. So I finallyyyyy decided to change my ways.

I set my alarm EARLIER and am not hitting the snooze constantly. I can get ready leisurely, I can play with the Khaleesi, I can drive to work normally and not get angry at every red light and slow car ahead of me. Is this what growing up feels like? We'll see how long it lasts for anyway, old habits die hard.

Also, yesterday was Free Cone Day at Haagen-Dazs, of which, there is one right where I work. I forgot about it until I was leaving and saw a line of 3 people thick stretching literally as far as I could see until it wrapped around a corner. It looked miserable and I wondered what the hell those students were thinking. Then I remembered, it wasn't that long ago I was all about those freebies and nothing was too inconvenient to save a few dollars for. Now, I just felt like I would rather pay double to be able to go when it was empty and not have to wait in line. And that's really a sign of my times.

In other news, there is a bird I've seen around my place for awhile, no idea what kind it is, but recently I started noticing that it actually TAUNTS Khaleesi. I was out on my porch reading the other evening and I noticed that this bird was actually following Khaleesi around the yard, perching nearby and then chirping incessantly at her.

I wish Khaleesi was a real cat and would just catch the damn thing, but she's just a scaredy cat that kept running away everywhere. That will have to be her corner to turn.

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