Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Temecula Wedding Weekend

Last weekend, AJ and I went to the first wedding since our own. (Technically. We did go to Priya's in San Jose in May, but they had essentially eloped and then had a big reception with everyone, so we didn't get to see the ceremony). I was really reminded why weddings are the best, and it also made me so nostalgic for our own wedding! I miss it, I wish we could get married again. I was asking everyone how soon was too soon to renew your vows LOL.

It was quite the weekend too: the wedding was on Friday, there was wine tasting (which I did) and golf (which AJ did) on Saturday, plus the send-off dinner. What I found funny was, in a group chat with me, Palak and Sri (who you may remember as some of my San Diego friends who were on the East Coast the same time as me - Palak in DC and Sri in Philly, so we often got together, including for a Friendsgiving in 2012 which included a trip to Annapolis, Maryland) not only did we all have a wedding to attend this past weekend, but my wedding was on Friday, Palak's wedding was on Saturday, and Sri's wedding was on Sunday. What are the chances!

Our friends who were there all have kids and we were all very excited to spend together, out having fun, without kids, for the first time almost since any of us had kids really!

This meant that Sophie got to have the time of her life up at my mom's house for the weekend. It's always hard to leave her, but I'm glad for us doing it and getting used to it, Sophie seems very comfortable without us and hanging with new people.

It makes me both happy and sad that she doesn't cry when we leave LOL but honestly more happy.

It has been so hard to get back on our feet after the weekend away, really. I still feel so out of it! Here's an example. I will say that Tuesdays are always a little hard on me because it's my day in the office, then I pick up Sophie and we hang out and do dinner and bedtime and then I rush off to my ballet class so it's a very busy day. So yesterday I didn't have time to eat dinner before ballet so I was scrounging when I came home and decided to make a quick bowl of pasta. I put the pasta sauce on and I notice this one has a lot of vegetables and is very hearty! I take a bite and it's almost spicy. Then it occurs to me that I poured salsa on top of my entire bowl of pasta. Not pasta sauce. I still ate it though and it wasn't horrible. If anything it was probably less calories LOL. But that was a how-the-heck-did-this-happen moment.

Tomorrow is September, pumpkin spice is already back in Starbucks, but the hottest heat wave of the summer so far is just starting now. I hate that!

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