Friday, August 19, 2022

My Time Finally Came

I've spent the past 11 days dealing with COVID. I always felt like I must have had it already and didn't know it, but then when I really tested positive, it did feel new, so maybe I really did go 2 1/2 years avoiding it. But, my time came.

Amazingly (truly amazingly) no one else in the house caught it! Thanks to Debbie sticking around, I was able to truly isolate for 5 days, which sucked by the way, I hated not being able to hold Sophie or give her a kiss or anything at all. Actually the first few days weren't too bad. I was pretty down and out with aches and chills and malaise and just downed NyQuil and slept. Once I felt better, it was soooo boringggg being holed up in the room and trying to pass days at a time. But it ended, and then came the next 5 days where I was able to come out of the room and sorta live my life but had to wear my mask the whole time. That really sucked too. It got really old, and even if I wanted to just take a sip of water or eat I needed to step outside or go into the bedroom. It was so easy to want to throw in the towel and just be done with (especially because I felt fine!) but I wasn't going to make those days of isolation all for naught and make everyone sick in the end anyway. So I stuck with it militantly through my day 10 (yesterday), woke up today feeling great and tested totally negative! Such a relief! And AJ and Debbie's consistent testing continued to show them negative as well. I guess we really did it.

Yesterday was Sophie's day home with us, and French classes are on a break for the summer, so I decided to take her to the zoo where we could be outside and distance (and I still wore my mask in that heat - ugh!) and it was so cute because their little butterfly enclosure was finally open. I actually was really impressed - they had soooo many butterflies, and some of them were huge, and such beautiful colors, and they were everywhere! The pictures didn't really capture them but the video shows it better.

Oh and here's a photo of Sophie from earlier this month, just cause she's so cute.

I'm excited to finally be able to bake again as well, cause I definitely didn't feel good baking food during my COVID run, so now I get to return to my usual-scheduled programming.

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