Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Rest of Belgium

Hello from Lithuania! I landed today and reunited with AJ, and this has been us the past few hours:

Oh and I flew to Vilnius through Copenhagen so it was definitely no mistake that I wore this shirt today.

Just kidding, we fell asleep and then I had to drag AJ up to go get some dinner which was refreshing and delicious and now we're back. Poor AJ has been traveling almost 24 hours, and I've never gotten on the time yet, I still haven't had a good nights sleep since arriving, and now I'm 10 hours ahead. I'm hoping after tonight I'll be more on the time (but I've been saying that every night). AJ is already snoring on the bed behind me.

So before I get too far behind in my travels, allow me to finish up Belgium... on Saturday I got to explore the city and it was quite delightful. Brussels is truly so lovely! I found myself in the Grand Place, which was just stunning with the gold accents, and I even caught a wedding happening!

Can you see the bride on the balcony about to
toss her bouquet backwards over her head?
I wandered through Brussels park where I enjoyed my coffee and amandine, and then passed by a few interesting sights...

I've never seen an Andorran embassy before

Royal Palace... there weren't even any guards. That's the kinda
monarch to be - European crown but people care about you so
little, you don't even need to worry about guards LOL

Hard to read but this stands on an location that
was built around 1200 that had been destroyed
February 3, 1731, which was exactly 289 years
while I was there!

After this I went to the Museum of the City of Brussels. I love museums that demonstrate the history of places like that. I wasn't the best one I had ever been to (I loved Geneva's!) but still pretty good.

I love medieval stuff and I love pieces like this. Reminds me
a lot of Sleeping Beauty

I feel like this baby needs to be a meme

Really neat description of the piece below!

A medieval Where's Waldo

They actually don't know much about this
piece and were asking people who might have
information to let them know! That being
said, it's a wolf feed children. I know that's
what Anana wants, to run into the woods and
raise human babies lololol so it made me think
of her &heearts;

On Sunday, I took the train to Brugge. First of all, a round trip ticket was $16. Amazing. Then, the ride was only about 1 hour 10 minutes each way. And Brugge was breathtaking. It made me think of like a Belgian Venice... it's built on all these canals and you can just wander the inner city over all the bridges and see all this beautiful architecture and houses. And all the chocolate shops and frites and waffles! It was heavenly.

Love the aesthetic of this sign

Doesn't this remind you of those vintage illustrated postcards?

I didn't learn the significance of the snakes/
dragons or whatever, but they held up all the benches

Stop looking at me swan

Flemish beefstew was the best thing I've eaten
all year
After my meeting on Monday I got to see a little bit more of Brussels, it really is such a beautiful fairytale city!

The chocolate shops are AMAZING. This might have been
the least impressive part of it, but I loved all the different sayings
on them

Another clock!
I was sad to leave, but I'm happy to be with AJ, and I have a lot of work on this trip so I'm happy to be getting through it and onto the next step. Lithuania is already quite interesting...

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