Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX

I've taken to referring to this Super Bowl as "Super Bowl X- Licks" because who the hell can read those Roman numerals.

I had suuuuch a fun day yesterday. I went to a house party in Orange County and started in on beer pong around 1p. I didn't have my best showing but then again... I'm like 7 years out of college so what do you expect.

There was lots of drinks, lots of really nice people, and my God, lots of betting. I bought 5 squares and lost them alllllll. This group actually plays LRC (!!!!!) so that showed up as well. I actually watched the game diligently for like the first half, wanted to see Katy Perry diss Taylor Swift at the halftime, and then resumed beer pong and making friends.

I did not care a lick who won this game, so I wore my San Diego Chargers shirt to the event. At some point with me in front of the TV a guy asked "So how are those Chargers doing?" and the answer was "Well they're not losing" lololololol and that just cracked me up.

The guy I was with ended up accepting a bet with his friend that the Patriots would win, so I did end up rooting for them, and it was a pretty close game so I was getting a little on edge, but they ended up winning so woohoo!

And being at work this morning makes me wish it was Super Bowl Saturday and not Super Bowl Sunday...

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