Friday, June 10, 2022

Ballet Recital

My adult ballet class got to be a part of the studio's annual dance recital last weekend. It was of course optional and I was all for it, but when it was coming down to it, it felt like a little more than I had bargained for and started to be a little stressful (and expensive! damn these costumes!) but in the end, I'm really glad I did it and I'm sure I'll say yes to the next one in 2023 cause for some reason I always end up doing that myself.

There's not really much to say about it, other than it sure felt weird to be back in the dance and performing world after all this time. Putting in the ballet buns and doing stage makeup, hanging out in the dressing rooms and in the dark wings as someone is dancing in the light with the music blaring. It was also surreal to see how much time had passed from when I used to do this. But it was fun to do it again.

I got really nervous just before we were about to go out and felt really blank in the head, but a lot of that was because the stage was so slippery I was worried about breaking my ankle, but it all went well and it all flew by. AJ took a bunch of quick pictures in the beginning because he didn't want to have his phone out, so none of them really turned out, and no one took video, so these are really all that exist from my performance.

I was told that Sophie was transfixed the entire time I was up there and that she definitely recognized me and realized that it was me up there.

Afterwards, I was greeted by Debbie and AJ and Sophie, with AJ holding a rose and Sophie presenting me with a sunflower and it made me melt and made it all worthwhile.

Til next year...?

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