Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December Days

I know this is that week between Christmas and New Year's where everything's just a weird haze, but my days have been and unstructured like that since the beginning of November, so it's all the same to me right now. But we have had small little events lately.

One of AJ's Christmas gifts for Sophie was this insanely adorable little polar bear onesie. He said they only had it in newborn size, and while we can just barely fit her into it, there's no room for growth and is arguably too small at this point, but she just looks so sweet squeezed into it! And it's so funny to pick her up in it because she's so stiff and is like the kid in A Christmas Story because it's so snug and thick.

It also occurred to me that I hadn't been taking any videos of her, which I need to start doing because she's getting really cute and making the coos and squeaks now. This video is highly uneventful, but I do love how she can see better now and is able to look at the stars hanging in the pack and play bassinet.

Here's her being cute, lounging in her boppy

And one of my gifts to her was a personalized name sign for her bedroom, and AJ got it up the other day.

And here's a look into my life in the wee hours of the morning LOL

And lastly, Rob and Rafael were driving through and decided to swing by our place and we did a quick little photo... it ended up being perfect- Sophie is waving to the camera!

Aaaand that's our life lately.

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