Monday, January 7, 2019

Pure Vibes

Even though I'm still going slightly nuts that we're not settled into our place (it's never taken me this long to settle in before!) we're making good progress and slowly getting settled in enough that at least I can relax and enjoy the place more. That being said, I can actually almost enjoy my weekends but, oddly, I have like nothing to do! This is such a weird feeling for me and honestly I don't do well with nothing to do, but after 2018, it feels amazing to just be able to really relax and enjoy downtime and have no big projects or anything weighing on me to get done!

It was a nice weekend to do nothing too considering the rain we got. On Friday we went to our 2nd Annual Kimchi Jjigae Dinner with our friends Iris and David. Om nom nom! SER GERD.

AJ went and played golf but I stayed inside, caught up on my Entourage watching, set up our room, drank coffee (out of my bridal shower mug from Kathleen, no less!) I meant to wait for AJ to drink out of ours together, but I couldn't resist, lulz.

On Sunday AJ's friend came over and we watched the football games, and worked on the house. AJ had a genius idea for displaying my Starbucks mugs and put that to good use yesterday! Peep below:

Then we went to Target to use some of those awesome gift cards from the wedding and continue to shape up the place! Also, we have a pet door and left the flap off for the longest time so that the pets got used to that being the entrance/exit. It's been really cold so we finally decided to put the flap back on. I have no idea how she got OUT there, but she's really struggling figuring out how to get back in (eyeroll!)

In the evening I made tea and went to bed to read but got distracted by our wedding book. Rob, our officiant, put down literally everything that was said into the book that he read from, then gifted it to us after he was done with it. I read AJ's vows and cried. I remember how meaningful they were at the time, but reading them when I wasn't up in front of a crowd getting married, I was able to process it a little bit better and was so moving. I sure feel supremely lucky...

Taking this nice good vibes into 2019 and running with it! (Is it possible that the Chargers could be SuperBowl bound this year???) Started with revamping this page for some freshness.

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