It is getting harder and harder to be optimistic about raising a daughter, or the world we are leaving to her, and how the world views her. I am in so much anguish over what is happening in this country. The LIES from SCROTUS judges to get their lifetime confirmations. The straight up evil hypocrisy and dirty games of these MAGAts is despicable, especially when they continue to shout and bemoan CoUnTrY oVeR pArTy and pAtRiOtS. Fucking hypocrites.
And the AUDACITY of Clarence Thomas to suggest revoking all of these rights... except Loving v. Virginia, since he personally benefits from that. The fucking arrogance. Shouldn't be surprised though, it's just typical Republican: It doesn't matter unless/until it affects me. It's like they say; you're a lawyer for yourself, and judge for everyone else.
And NO ONE seems to be paying attention to the HUGE implication of this: THE SUPREME COURT JUST RULED THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY. That is fucking chilling. And if you're just cruisin' cause Roe v Wade doesn't affect you (or at least you think it doesn't). Just wait. They're coming for more. Sooner or later it WILL affect you. And you won't have a right to privacy, and you celebrated it when it happened.
It's the Christians who celebrate this that piss me off the most. The hypocrisy. And they won't take ten seconds to suspend their mindset to simply consider so many of these truths that, because they ignore, turn them to Pharisees...
-The Bible NEVER forbids abortion
-God says a fetus has less value than a woman in Exodus
-God mandates abortion for unfaithful wives in Numbers 5:19-22
-God frequently demands the slaughter of infants & fetuses
...and if you say "that's the Old Testament! It doesn't count! Jesus brought a new covenant!" Well guess what...
-Jewish Law (then AND now) puts the life of the mother above that of the fetus and requires an abortion to save the mother's life. And guess what. Jesus was a Jew who respected Jewish Law.
If you're still opposed to abortion, fine. Just stop pretending it's because you're religious. You're not. You're a Pharisee addicted to the letter of the law and making sure everyone adheres to something that doesn't even affect you.
Ectopic pregnancies, cancer, missed miscarriages, and a myriad of other health conditions will KILL a woman without a pregnancy. If you are happy about SCROTUS's decision, you have not only condemned these women to die, but you've celebrated it as well. Good luck explaining that to God. Now you've read it, you can't claim you didn't know it.
That's right, it wasn't that long ago that Obama wrote:
God does not regard the fetus as a soul, no matter how far gestation has progressed. The Law plainly exacts: “If a man kills any human life he will be put to death” (Lev. 24:17). But according to Exodus 21:22-24, the destruction of the fetus is not a capital offense. … Clearly, then, in contrast to the mother, the fetus is not reckoned as a soul.
I'm sorry, did I say Obama? I meant the conservative evangelical seminary professor from Dallas Theological Seminary, who wrote this in Billy Graham’s magazine in 1979. Check out the link above.
A 13 year old can't legally adopt a baby. Why can she have baby? Why can you impose pregnancy, childbirth and raising a baby on her? And shit, 13 is being generous. I've read awful stories of nurses reporting helping an 8 year old deliver a baby (this was in the United States). A FUCKING EIGHT YEAR OLD. You think she was being promiscuous? No, she was fucking raped by her uncle and then forced to deliver the baby. She didn't know what was happening and had to be given a teddy bear to calm down. I have to keep scrubbing that from my memory because every time I think about it makes me fucking sob hysterically and I can't even deal with this world. And this is EXACTLY what you are celebrating by celebrating this ruling. This comes hand in hand with it.
The government won't let you claim a fetus on your taxes because they don't consider it a person yet.
If you wanna play that Ted Cruz angle "oh it didn't outlaw it, it just put it back to the States" well shut the fuck up. State laws are for shit that don't make sense to make a blanket implementation of across our diverse country. For instance, I can't imagine Arizona and Maine operating under the same agricultural laws. But this is a goddamned HUMAN RIGHT. It is not flexible. An 8 year old girl in Arizona should not be any less free than an 8 year old girl in Maine.
And for the last goddamned time, there is separation of church and state in this country. Not everyone here is Christian. If you believe it's forbidden, then YOU don't get one. You do not have the right to impose that belief on anyone else!! Jesus NEVER FORCED HIS VIEWS ON ANYONE. He made an offer and let them use their own free will. For fucks sake he didn't even shut down the brothels! He simply offered prostitutes a different choice. And if they didn't follow Him? He moved on. He left her to live her life, letting the Holy Spirit doing work from there. YOU SHOVING YOUR VIEWS ON THE NATION IS SO UNCHRISTLIKE, PHARISAICAL AND HYPOCRITICAL!!!!! If you still disagree with this and think religion is okay in this country, well, as I mentioned above, this ruling violates Jewish law, so according to their First Amendment, you have violated their religious liberty. If that makes you upset and you still don't like it, just admit you only care about cis white Christianity (that you don't even understand. Ugh.)
And my God, the amount of reports I'm hearing of people that I actually know celebrating this decision, or waffling on it and saying they don't know what they think cause they could never do it themselves... even though they DID get an abortion before, and they DID force women to abort their children before... you are what's wrong with this country. And if YOU can't do it - then YOU don't do it! Just cause I could never go skydiving doesn't mean I make it illegal for others who can. Ever notice how Jews can't eat pork, but they don't fight to make everyone not eat pork? They don't rally and protest and throw an insurrection because they want pork to be illegal in this country. Be more like that.
I don't even know if I'm angry or sad anymore. I can say that I'm in anguish over this.
I am so, so, so sorry Sophie. I'm sorry for everyone in this country who is so happy that you will be forced to die should you have an ectopic pregnancy. I value you immeasurably above that, just like God does.